Tuesday 22 September 2009


My skills and analysis section will be basically showing the improvement and progress that i have been making through out the coursework duration.

My skills and analysis has developed because i have gained interacting with different webites for my research and planning. I have looked into social websites which have given me a general insight of my target audience.

15 October
In my media lesson today my group had to present our research to our peers and lecturer, to get feedback. This was usefull because i saw the disadvantages and the advantages that people said/wrote about my blog, so this gave me a chance to improve my blog and the research and planning.
These are various of points that i had feedback from such as:

- Improvement on target audience
- Layout and structure needs to be easy to navigate
- More hyperlinks to information websites
- Images and evidence of research

As an advatange of my planning i used photoshop to produce prototpes of CD's Covers. This helped to increase my level of skills on photoshop and therefore making the actual product should not be a problem as i have had previous experience on photoshop.
From the photoshoot i produced different techniques of photoshop functinons, which enabled me to decide on future preferences.
Had a work shop on camera equipement, I learnt how to use a tripod, dolly, and camera. This will be extremely helpful for the productin of my video.
Leanred how to produce videos on window miovie maker, which was very easy and managable.
Learnt how to use Final cut pro. Had a class work shop. This was really helpful for my future video editing skills.
22 November
Used a software called FINALCUT PRO, had a workshop based on this. We been tought how to use this professionally, again this is a great advantage for our video when it comes to editing.

1 comment:

  1. http://www.mediafire.com/file/rmd2mi2zod1/Story Board.MSWMM

    download link for the movie maker version of the storyboard.
