Sunday 20 September 2009


The construction is the filming and editing of the music video and the production of the Webpage and CD cover/Digipack Production. Although we have worked as a team to ensure that the filmimg runs as smoothly as possible and that we have enough time to edit, it may be that other issues effect the final outcome of our video.


Equipment: We had previously planned to rent two cameras, two tripods and a dolly for filming. This was because we could achieve shots from different angles without the actors/actresses repeating themselves over and over. The dolly was to ensure that the tracking shots were smooth, precise and did not have te same shaky appearance as handheld camera shots.

Filming: Day One- We decided to start on what we thought would be the most difficult scenes to film first. Matu and Brendon started with the kitchen scene for the beginning of the video. This involved repeating scenes over and over from different angles in order to create on opening squence that want continuous and made perfect sense from shot to shot. Particular attention was paid to th lose up of the phone in order to allow the audience to read the text message that opened the narrative for the story. One problem that we encountered was using the new Blackberry phone, as it works slightly differently to other mobile phones. However, we felt that it would be a good feature to include in our video as it is a relevant part of modern culture.
Day Two: We had planned to to all the tracking shots through Bromley today, however due to the bad weather it was almost impossible.

Fot this construction part me and my group member Brendon have taken the responsiliblity of editing the music video on the software, FINAL CUT PRO, on the APPLEMAC.
The software was very simple to use due to past experience of editing films ect...
As an advantage me and brendon gathered ideas, of the editing from the internet, and from our own expereince and knowlegde it was quite easy goin at first.

Editing process:

1) Log and capture footage from our video tape- This was to take the coorect footage from the video tape
2) Cut the footage in different sections- meaning separating each different parts of the footage, to be able to edit
3) Placed the footage on the timeline- this gave us me the oppuntunity to edit all the footage
4) Placed music on the timeline
5) began to edit (cuts, fades, jumpcuts, black and white effects, modifying speed) - Added everything i needed for the video

6) Exported our Video as a quicktime- Quicktime files can be wtach anywhere, so this had to be done in order to place our video on youtube ect....
7) Made a menu on a dvd Disk and burned out Video on the DVD Disk.- without making a DVD menu than the burned video can not be played on an ordinary DVD, so burning the video onto a DVD with a menu was very essential.

'Music Video Short Analysis'

  • The beggining of the video starts off with a text, we decided to use this to show the audeince the young side. Our target audience are aged from 16-25, and with the phone used portrays a sense of young life.
  • Some parts of the video is black and white, this is reflect on the past and the parts in color portrays a sense of her state of mind(thinking
  • Certains effects of the video reflects on the song lyrics for example the 'cross fade' between each shot emphasises that our protagonosit is thinkng. The lyrics 'Make it funky for me' is supported through the change in clothes
  • The costumes/clothes has an huge impact on the song and the genre the color contrasting.
  • The light flash effect
  • At one point of the video we cut back to the beggining of the video emphasising that the protagonist is still thinking about the different outfits
  • The end of the video shows the protagonist waling towards the radio. Bassically reinforcing that the song has finished, and our protagonist has faced reality and not thinking about different outfits.


Eqipment: Stills camera
Editing Softwares: Photoshop and Illustrator

Click the Image to see the Full DigiPack.
Final Product..4 panel by you.

WebPage Production

Equipment: Stills Camera

Editing Softwares: Photoshop Illustrator and Dreamweaver.

Photoshop: I used this sofware to lay out my webpage design, when i completed eveything eg. position of image, effects of image, ect, i clicked the slice button on photoshop, to divide all my links.

Illustratrator: Again i used Illustrator for my font designs and Illustrator has a wide range of Artistic designs that a gradually needed

Dreamweaver: I set up dreamweaver, than opened my photoshop webpage desinged, than regulated the links.

sdfdsafsd by you.

My dreamweaver Website.

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