Tuesday 22 September 2009


For this part of the coursework I will be working in a group of four. My group members are on the side of the blog.
Working in a team will mean divding tasks and each memeber will concertarte on one specific area.

For the first part of the coursework I will be analysing a music video. So i chose Egypt 'In the morning' .
My analysis of the video.

Target Audience
For my research and planning I had to first find out who my target audience will be for my genre of music I have chosen which is funky house (Attacca Pesante). I will be looking into their official websites and fan sites hopeful this will show me there fan posts and also their style which will link to my video and CD Cover and give me an idea of the mood board I will be creating.

We chose to do Attacca Pesante, who is an unsigned Band, I discovered the bands official Myspace. Their Mysapce tells us they are promoted on radio stations such as Choice FM and 1XTRA. This is quite unusual for an unsigned band to be played on Choice FM radio station because Choice FM is a mainstream radio and the majority of music they play are bands/artist who is signed. These two radio stations mainly promote RnB, Hiphop, Grime and Bashment. These genres of music are mainly targeted at a young urban audience, so this establishes a general idea of who the target audience will be for my chosen genre and band.

Who is the Target Audience for the artist/band I chose?

I went on their websites to establish their Target audience. During my search I discovered they have not got an official website they have social websites which is Twitter, Myspace and Facebook.
Attacca Pesante's Facebook helped me to determine who their target audience is, as I scanned through their Facebook fans/friends i noticed that the majority were aged between 14-25 and also mainly young females through the use of images (profile pictures)
Their Facebook is based on Fan members, which gave me an idea of the age range.

Attacca Pesante has social Websites which is based for their fans. With the use of the social fans, it was really hard for me to find out the specific age group that appeals to Attacca Pesante.
Through the use of their Myspace information i found out that the band/producers are supported by 1XTRA and Choice FM radio station. As i Explained before, these two radio Stations promote the band.

For my further research into Target Audience for Attacca Pesante i managed to search on other mainstream radio to gather more information on Attacca Pesante target audience. Through this i found out that Attacca's Pesante's music 'Make it funky for me' had been played on Kiss 100 Breakfast. The fact that the producers/band music is played on Kiss 100 is very unusual as they are unsigned but this shows the producers/band progress in the music industry. I looked on the reviews on kiss, although all there reviews on the kiss 100 website are positive there are a very small number of them which shows that they have a very niche audience.

I researched on 1xtra to give me a broad idea of the target audience. 1xtra gave a factual evidence of the target audience that listen to the radio station. The 1xtra website helped me to find out the demographic age of the people who listen to this type of genre and again thhis gains population to the band Attacca Pesante.

'Its audience skews heavily to the 16 to 25 age group with a relatively strong share among fewer than 15s. Limited evidence available suggests, however, that only about one quarter of the audience is black – well above national average of about 7 per cent, but perhaps comparatively low for a station targeting that group, 7.3 per cent of all UK listeners'

This is a quote from the media pack that I found from the 1xtra website and from this media pack I now know the target audience are aged from 16- 25, urban.
Analysed Media Pack

Attacca Pesante has featured in a popuplar undeground magazine called 'RWD'. The magazine mainly featurues Urban artists.
The page features an online interview they had with the magazine and gives me a clear idea of how they came together as a band. From this interview I learn about the group's style of Funkyhouse.........

Funkyhouse can be connoted as grime genre because most funkyhouse artist have made previous grime songs. This is an example of a song choice that could be judged as a grime/funkhouse genre. Napa Man k 'Migrane Skank' . The beat of the song can be compared to a grime genre, this is a chosen song that i decided to compare, Giggs 'Talkin the hardest' . The beat of the music has similarities to 'migrane skank', but from the lyrics of song, there is a huge contrast to thge lrics of the 'Migrane Skank' lyrics. Funkyhouse is more about dancing and enjoying young life. .

Vox Pops
For the next part of my resarch and planning, me and group members have decided to do a vox pop. A vox pop meaning "voice of the people". The vox pop is easier to gather general information from the public rather then handing out questionnaires. This will help us have a idea of what sort of conventions we can include in the CD covers/Webpage/Music Video.
We created a range of questions that links to our genre Funky House. We chose questions that would be appropriate to gain information. for example 'Do you think Funky House is associated with bright colours?'. This sort of question will helped us with the production, so basically we will associate our products such as CD cover with bright colours.
The officail music Video for the song we chose 'Make it Funky for me' illustrates the bright colours which is conventional for funkyhouse music video.
The vox pop has been created by one of my group members. This will feature a range of people aged from 16-25 (target audience) informing us on the questions we have asked in order to gain production ideas.
We have also created additonal questions in order to gain more insight in target audeince. This set of questions associates on the layout/colour of the Webpage and CD Cover.
The vox pop was composed by Brendon and Matu.
Using Social Networks has enabled me to find out who the target audience is for my chosen genre Funkyhouse, and the use of mainstream radio stations has officially backup my thoughts on who the target adience could be


CD Covers and Webpages

In this section of the planning i produced a range of prototypefor my CD covers. Before i produced the prototypes one of my group members had annotated Webpages. This will help on the production of out own prodcuts.
Through these annotations i noticed that most funkyhouse webpages have a strong appearance of colours and artists/band/producer being quite crucial and easily noticable.

I followed the convention of existing Cd covers and managed to produce similar Cd covers such as sketches and Protoypes.

This is the official prototype that i produced and followed the conventions of a funky house CD cover.

My prototype was influenced by this CD cover from 'EGYPT::IN THE MORNING'. The house style of the CD cover links to the song title. With the use of yellow and orange colours reflecting on the morning sunshine and how the sun rises. Taking this into consideration, when producing the CD covers i will also reflect on the song title i have chosen 'MAKE IT FUNKY FOR ME'. The connotation of funky could could connote bright colours, bright colour costumes, joy happiness and from my own knowlegde the song evocts a sense of realism of an toung tennage life ECT.

Story Board
Before shooting we had to create a storyboard which will guide us through the production. Our group came across an idea.
The story board task was Stephanie role.
From the idea that we gahthered and thought of. There were three main location. Indoor and outdoor. Two of the scenes were indoor, when our main girl is preparing herself to go out in her house. The other scene is on her way going to a gathering, and the last scene at the gathering.
This was the basic plan of the video and the story board will be in more detail.
The story boards was produced and scanned on the computer by stephanie. On further planning matu has taken pictures of our potential location.

This is a quotation from Stephanie's blog explaining the video in detail.

'We are introduced to the main protagonist, who is a young female and therefore can be related to by much of our target audience. She is doing a normal breakfast routine, i.e. eating cereal, listening to the radio etc. when her phone vibrates. The audience is provided with a close-up of the phone which has the text message 'Want To Make It Funky'. At this point the track starts and our protagonists begins to try on different outfits. We have various shots of her making her way through London to the party. When she arrives, the door is opened by a young man and the song changes to a remixed version. The video ends with an extreme close up of our protagonist and the young man face to face.'

Pre- Production Paperwork.

Call Sheet

Contact Details of each member of the group.

Hazard Assesment Form
The dangers that may occur in specific locations that we chose e.g outdoor with a tripod may cause public disruption.

Shooting Schedule
A list of date, time, and locations of where we will be filming.


From the Vox Pop that Matu and Brendon Produced, some of the feedback from our target audience assoicated funkyhouse with bright colours. So from this idea, the costume of the young female in the video can also colour clash such as oran, green, purple. all these bright colours have a great link with Funkhouse.

Me and Matu took pictures of the young females costume and saw the strong colours that can be easil noticed and indentified as funky. The costumes consists of four different outfits.

....CALL LOG.....

: 03/11/09
Time: 1:00pm
Asked for permission on a photoshoot from a young female model called THYRA. Permission accpeted,arranaged a location which was at my house.
The model provided coustomes that will relate to our genre Funky House.

Date arranged: 04/11/09
Photoshoot finished, taking approximately 60 pictures in three differnt costumes.

CHANGES: Due to lack of arrangment the model thyra could not be part of the production. So the next step was to find someone else which our group was having difficulties with, so Matu agreed to be the main protagnist of our production.Stehanie and Matu arranged a Call log for the video shoot and photoshoot.

Call Log
17/11/09: Organised photoshoot with Matu for the following day. Three different outfits will be needed as these will be for the video, website and cd cover.
18/11/09: Taken photographs. Final decision on shooting schedule for the following weekend. Rough plans for website and cd cover.
23/11/09: Cameras rented from college for shooting to ensure that all scenes are ready for editing on Monday 30/11/09.

The images we will be using for our webpage and CD cover is of our previous Model Thyra. W decided on this beacsue her images follows the convetnion of our chosen genre

Further planning....

Colour Scheme... from the results of our Vox Pops we know that our target audience would expect very bright colours to be used, however it was 50/50 on whether the colours should be compliamentary or contrasting. I have annotated a colour wheel to illustrate colour theory. It is also important to take into consideration whether the colour is warm or cool. Warm colours are found on the right of the colour wheel (red, orange, yellow) and cool colour on the left (green, violet and blue). Warm colour stand out more and draw the audience in whereas cool colours appear further back.

As an advantage one of my group members has studied graphics so this will give us an advantage, when it comes to the production of the CD cover and webpage.

The CD Cover has to be presented as a final Digipack. I researched into Digipack, to actually found out what it includes. This includes the front of the CD cover, the back of the CD and the inside of the CD cover

Front: the front of the CD cover always includes images or JUST text. Funkyhouse is mainly produced by underground or unsigned artits/bands, so to include just text at the front of my front cover.

Back: the back of a digipack always includes either the song titles

Inside: the inside of a digipack includes various of items, but the main one i noticed when researtching was Lyrics and also information such as tour dates.

I research into different genres of music such as pop to give a wider choice of planning my own CD Cover and webpage. I looked at Madonna latest album cover 'Confessions of the Dancefloor'. The vibrant colours and layout of her CD cover inspired me include these elements for my CD cover. As you already know, Funkyhouse includes bright colours, vibrant colors and color contrast. From this infromation i gathered i went on to looking at Madonna Webpage. I immediately noticed the cohesion of the Webpage and CD cover. Both items had the same colour scheme. The vibrant colours of both Cd cover and WebPage had a huge cohesion. The image i noticed which had, was the disco ball, on the CD cover and Webpage.

Having looking at Madonna Cd cover and Webpage i went onto looking at other pop artist such as Rihanna, Cherish, and Keri hilson. All three webpages inspired thorugh the positions of images, font styles, layout designs. I noticed that all the links are lined horizontal apart from Rihanna WebPage.

Rihanna's Webpage: Rihanna webpage may totally seem the oppostite to the conventions of Funkhouse, but the reason this has inspired me, was the layout of the image, the video links to the font. The cohesion of the CD cover and Webpage has a strong connection, and when producing my Webpage and CD cover, this will clearly have a close and strong cohesion.


My skills and analysis section will be basically showing the improvement and progress that i have been making through out the coursework duration.

My skills and analysis has developed because i have gained interacting with different webites for my research and planning. I have looked into social websites which have given me a general insight of my target audience.

15 October
In my media lesson today my group had to present our research to our peers and lecturer, to get feedback. This was usefull because i saw the disadvantages and the advantages that people said/wrote about my blog, so this gave me a chance to improve my blog and the research and planning.
These are various of points that i had feedback from such as:

- Improvement on target audience
- Layout and structure needs to be easy to navigate
- More hyperlinks to information websites
- Images and evidence of research

As an advatange of my planning i used photoshop to produce prototpes of CD's Covers. This helped to increase my level of skills on photoshop and therefore making the actual product should not be a problem as i have had previous experience on photoshop.
From the photoshoot i produced different techniques of photoshop functinons, which enabled me to decide on future preferences.
Had a work shop on camera equipement, I learnt how to use a tripod, dolly, and camera. This will be extremely helpful for the productin of my video.
Leanred how to produce videos on window miovie maker, which was very easy and managable.
Learnt how to use Final cut pro. Had a class work shop. This was really helpful for my future video editing skills.
22 November
Used a software called FINALCUT PRO, had a workshop based on this. We been tought how to use this professionally, again this is a great advantage for our video when it comes to editing.

Sunday 20 September 2009


The construction is the filming and editing of the music video and the production of the Webpage and CD cover/Digipack Production. Although we have worked as a team to ensure that the filmimg runs as smoothly as possible and that we have enough time to edit, it may be that other issues effect the final outcome of our video.


Equipment: We had previously planned to rent two cameras, two tripods and a dolly for filming. This was because we could achieve shots from different angles without the actors/actresses repeating themselves over and over. The dolly was to ensure that the tracking shots were smooth, precise and did not have te same shaky appearance as handheld camera shots.

Filming: Day One- We decided to start on what we thought would be the most difficult scenes to film first. Matu and Brendon started with the kitchen scene for the beginning of the video. This involved repeating scenes over and over from different angles in order to create on opening squence that want continuous and made perfect sense from shot to shot. Particular attention was paid to th lose up of the phone in order to allow the audience to read the text message that opened the narrative for the story. One problem that we encountered was using the new Blackberry phone, as it works slightly differently to other mobile phones. However, we felt that it would be a good feature to include in our video as it is a relevant part of modern culture.
Day Two: We had planned to to all the tracking shots through Bromley today, however due to the bad weather it was almost impossible.

Fot this construction part me and my group member Brendon have taken the responsiliblity of editing the music video on the software, FINAL CUT PRO, on the APPLEMAC.
The software was very simple to use due to past experience of editing films ect...
As an advantage me and brendon gathered ideas, of the editing from the internet, and from our own expereince and knowlegde it was quite easy goin at first.

Editing process:

1) Log and capture footage from our video tape- This was to take the coorect footage from the video tape
2) Cut the footage in different sections- meaning separating each different parts of the footage, to be able to edit
3) Placed the footage on the timeline- this gave us me the oppuntunity to edit all the footage
4) Placed music on the timeline
5) began to edit (cuts, fades, jumpcuts, black and white effects, modifying speed) - Added everything i needed for the video

6) Exported our Video as a quicktime- Quicktime files can be wtach anywhere, so this had to be done in order to place our video on youtube ect....
7) Made a menu on a dvd Disk and burned out Video on the DVD Disk.- without making a DVD menu than the burned video can not be played on an ordinary DVD, so burning the video onto a DVD with a menu was very essential.

'Music Video Short Analysis'

  • The beggining of the video starts off with a text, we decided to use this to show the audeince the young side. Our target audience are aged from 16-25, and with the phone used portrays a sense of young life.
  • Some parts of the video is black and white, this is reflect on the past and the parts in color portrays a sense of her state of mind(thinking
  • Certains effects of the video reflects on the song lyrics for example the 'cross fade' between each shot emphasises that our protagonosit is thinkng. The lyrics 'Make it funky for me' is supported through the change in clothes
  • The costumes/clothes has an huge impact on the song and the genre the color contrasting.
  • The light flash effect
  • At one point of the video we cut back to the beggining of the video emphasising that the protagonist is still thinking about the different outfits
  • The end of the video shows the protagonist waling towards the radio. Bassically reinforcing that the song has finished, and our protagonist has faced reality and not thinking about different outfits.


Eqipment: Stills camera
Editing Softwares: Photoshop and Illustrator

Click the Image to see the Full DigiPack.
Final Product..4 panel by you.

WebPage Production

Equipment: Stills Camera

Editing Softwares: Photoshop Illustrator and Dreamweaver.

Photoshop: I used this sofware to lay out my webpage design, when i completed eveything eg. position of image, effects of image, ect, i clicked the slice button on photoshop, to divide all my links.

Illustratrator: Again i used Illustrator for my font designs and Illustrator has a wide range of Artistic designs that a gradually needed

Dreamweaver: I set up dreamweaver, than opened my photoshop webpage desinged, than regulated the links.

sdfdsafsd by you.

My dreamweaver Website.

Saturday 19 September 2009